If you are a Homeless Veteran and eligible for VA Health Care, the HUD-VASH Program may be able to help you. This program offers case management through a VA Social Worker and permanent housing through the Public Housing Authority.
Houston HUD-VASH
Contact: McGovern Drop-In Center (713) 794-7848 or (713) 794-7533
Houston Area Urban League’s Veteran Housing Support Services Program
Contact [email protected] for additional information
VA’s National Call Center for Homeless Veterans (Access VA’s services for
at-risk and homeless Veterans; available 24/7)
Phone: 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838)
Veterans Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Homeless Veterans Directory |
Agency Name |
Address |
Contact # |
Men |
Salvation Army |
2407 N Main St., Houston 77009 |
713-224-2875 |
Joshua House for Men |
9306 Hammerly Blvd., Houston77080 |
713-468-2236 |
Magnificent House |
3209 Austin St., Houston 77004 |
713-529-4231 |
Modest Family Health Care Center |
1008 Danube, Houston 77051 |
713-733-2458 |
Open Door Mission |
5803 Harrisburg, Houston 77011 |
713-921-7520 |
Salvation Army Harbor Light Center |
2407 North Main St, Houston 77009 |
713-224-9200 |
Star of Hope - Men’s |
1811 Ruiz, Houston 77002 |
713-227-8900 |
Ultimate Changes |
5038 Pershing, Houston 77033 |
713-731-4404 |
Men, Women & Families |
Bay Area Turning Point |
210 S Walnut, Webster 77598 |
281-286-2525 |
Interfaith Hospitality Network |
Northwest 15555 Kuykendahl Rd., Houston 77090 |
281-885-4567 |
Interfaith Hospitality Network |
Humble 19301 Hightower #10, Humble 77338 |
281-319-4996 |
Interfaith Hospitality Network |
Montgomery 10245 Owen Drive, Conroe 77304 |
936-442-2715 |
Salvation Army – Conroe |
304 Avenue E, Conroe 77301 |
936-760-2440 |
Women |
Bethel Home for Women |
1721 Ronson Dr., Houston 77055 |
281-345-4432 |
Magnificent House |
3209 Austin St., Houston 77004 |
713-529-4231 |
Modest Family Health |
1008 Danube, Houston 77051 |
713-733-2458 |
Women and Children |
Bay Area Homeless |
3406 Wisconsin, Baytown 77520 |
281-837-1654 |
DePriest Outreach |
5609 E Mt Houston, Houston 77093 |
281-449-0994 |
Mission of Yahweh |
10247 Algiers, Houston 77041 |
713-466-4785 |
Salvation Army |
1603 McGowen, Houston 77004 |
713-650-6530 |
Star of Hope – Family |
419 Dowling, Houston 77003 |
713-222-2220 |
Battered Women and Children |
Houston Area Women’s Center |
713-528-2121 |
Bridge Over Troubled Waters |
713-473-2801 |
Family Time Foundation |
281-446-2615 |
Fort Bend Women’s Center |
281-342-4357 |
Montgomery Co. Women’s Center |
281-292-4155 |
Montrose Counseling Center – G.L.B.T. |
713-529-0037 |
New Horizon Family Center – S.A. |
281-424-3300 |
Veterans Housing Directory (Veterans Only)
Career and Recovery Veteran Services
2403 Caroline, Houston, TX 77004 (located 4 blocks west of I-45 in Midtown)
(713) 754-7059
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Services: Case management; assistance with basic needs (food, clothing, emergency housing); short-term rental assistance; security and utility deposits; child care; transportation; and referral to the VA or community resources.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Women Veterans Assistance Program:
Pathways to Hope (Women Veterans in crisis can be helped with financial assistance for rent, mortgage, food, employment, educational guidance, and other needs.)
Phone: (713) 383-9890
The Lotus Project for Women Veterans:
Helps women Veterans with housing, mental health, life skills, educational, social support, and other needs.
Phone: (713) 383-9890
Haven of Hope House of Houston, Inc. (Single Female Veterans Only with/without children)
5106 Weaver Rd., Houston, TX 77016
(713) 633-1915
Hours: Please call
Services: Transitional housing for single homeless female veterans and those with children. VA housing benefits will be determined by the VA GPS Liaison and Homeless Coordinator after six months in the program. Application for permanent housing and services made available from VA HUD-VASH, House Choice Vouchers, Section 8, Harris County Housing Authority, Houston Housing Authority and Houston Habitat for Humanity.
Midtown Terrace Suites
4640 Main St., Houston, TX 77002
(713) 523-3777
Hours: Extended hours Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM; Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Services: Subsidized vouchers; all bills paid; efficiencies; fully furnished; newly renovated apartments; gated community; great location; onsite services for heroes.
Residential Treatment and Supportive Housing
2005 Jacquelyn Dr., Houston, TX 77055
(713) 957-2413
Santa Maria's Bonita House
Residential and Outpatient Treatment, Supportive Housing, Admissions
2605 Parker Rd., Houston, TX 77093
(713) 691-0900
Hours: Please call
Services: Transitional housing bed for homeless female veterans. Support services based on individualized needs, to include: transitional housing for up to 12 months; case management; referrals and information; educational and vocational services; life skills training; parenting classes; transportation assistance; integrated mental health services; and residential and/or outpatient substance abuse treatment if needed.
Santa Maria Hostel, Inc (Female Veterans Only)
Residential and Outpatient Admissions
2605 Parker Road, Houston, TX 77093
(713) 691-0900
Service Center
1418 Preston Ave., Houston TX 77002:
(713) 229-8122
[email protected]
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM – 5 PM, Sun 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Services: The Service Center provides intake and referrals into our programs, computer email, voicemail, fax and copy machines, sack lunches, and initial case management services. Located adjacent to the Veterans Administration (VA) Downtown Drop-In Clinic on the ground floor of SRO housing facility.
The De George at Union Station
1418 Preston Avenue, Houston, TX 77002
(713) 229-8122, (713)794-7533
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Services: Case management; assistance with basic needs (food, clothing, emergency housing); short-term rental assistance; security and utility deposits; child care; transportation; and referral to the VA or community resources.
The Housing Corporation of Greater Houston
Intake and Initial Screening
(713) 697-4411
Hours: Please Call
Services: Case management, assistance with basic needs (food, clothing, emergency housing); short-term rental assistance; security and utility deposits; child care; transportation; and referral to the VA or community resources.
United States Veterans Initiative-Houston
4604 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002
(832) 203-1626
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Services: Veterans in Progress (VIP) – 52 bed program facilitating homeless veterans; Critical Time Intervention (CTI) – 35-bed program tailored to chronically homeless veterans with severe mental illness including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Permanent Housing for Disabled Veterans (PHDV) – 54-bed program designed to aid veterans suffering with permanent mental or physical disabilities by providing long-term rental subsidies and supportive case management services.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (
Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (May be able to provide supportive services to very low-income Veteran families living in or transitioning to permanent housing, and provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits)
For further information about the SSVF Program.
Email [email protected]
Call (toll-free) at 1-877-737-0111
SSVFP Organizations in Care Connection Aging & Disability Resource Center’s 13-county service area
Career and Recovery Resources, Inc.
Phone: (713) 754-7059
Counties served: Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller
Salvation Army, a Georgia Corporation
Phone: (832) 560-7392
Counties served: Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery, and Galveston
Goodwill Industries of Houston, Inc.
Phone: (832) 431-4473
Counties served: Harris, Galveston, and Montgomery
United States Veterans Initiative
Phone: (832) 390-3495
Counties served: Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Pasadena, Montgomery, and Galveston
Neighborhood Centers, Inc.
14355 Wallisville Road Houston, Texas 77049
Phone: (281) 458-0318 Ext. 104
County served: Harris
Veteran's Administration (VA), Specially Adapted Housing Program
The Veteran's Administration has a specially adapted housing program for veterans that have specific service-connected disabilities. For more information regarding these programs, visit the VA website.
Veterans Land Board Home Improvement Loans
The VLB helps Veterans, military members and their spouses buy homes and then help pay to improve it through the Texas Veterans Home Improvement Program(VHIP).
Phone: 1-800-252-VETS (8387)
Some of the information provided was obtained from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.