National Websites for Diagnosis
Below are resources that will aid in understanding various disabilities. The websites also provide parents with tips pertaining to coping with a diagnosis.
National Dissemination Center for Parents of Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) - Webpage features a Share link for email or Facebook, etc.
NICHCY pdf sheets for the family at time of diagnosis
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Healthy Children
- AAP Healthy Children Coping with Chronic Illness
- AAP Healthy Children Failure to Thrive
- AAP Healthy Children with different types of disabilities individualized for the child’s diagnosis or disability
Resource Guides
Below are resources designed to help parents find services suitable for children with disabilities.
Resource Guide for Special Needs – Resource Guide | aogh
Resources for Current/Former Foster Youth
The Hay Center (The Houston Alumni and Youth Center)
HHSC Medicaid Waivers Programs
Community Living Assistance & Support Services (CLASS) | Texas Health and Human Services
Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) | Texas Health and Human Services
Home & Community-based Services (HCS) | Texas Health and Human Services
1500, MDCP Eligibility | Texas Health and Human Services
Texas Home Living (TxHmL) | Texas Health and Human Services - To inquire about this program, please contact Harris Center for Mental health and IDD at 713-970-7000.
Community Organizations that Assist Parents with School Issues
Below is a site that helps with any type of discrimination or negative treatment of any person with a disability. Also, it provides a list of different rights that are to be protected as well as acknowledged.
Parent Organizations
- For a list see Resource Guide for Parent of Children with Disabilities, Houston and Surrounding Areas

Independent Living
The site provided below assists with any type of issues one may have when living alone with a disability. Also, this site provides resources to locate the proper living quarters for anyone with a disability.
Community Fun
Listed below are websites for activities outside of the home to exercise physical and cognitive strength as well as incorporate some fun.
Educational - Museums