Care Connection Aging & Disability Resource Center is dedicated to providing information on housing options for persons who are older and people with disabilities, so that they may choose where they want to live. There is a huge need for additional affordable, accessible, and integrated housing in Harris County. We work diligently to establish relationships with various housing providers, encouraging the expansion of housing opportunities.
Non-Medicaid consumers exiting a licensed nursing home or licensed assisted living facility in Harris County, and who want to transition back into the community and want a voucher through the Houston Housing Authority, are referred to the Houston Center for Independent Living, with the possibility of receiving a voucher through the Houston Housing Authority.
In addition to providing information on affordable, accessible, and integrated housing options for Harris County, Care Connection Aging & Disability Resource Center also furnishes information on providers that may offer accessibility/home modifications, emergency and homeless services, fair housing services, helpful rental and homeownership tips, home repair programs, housing search assistance, rent/mortgage assistance, resources to assist Veterans, utility assistance, lead removal/weatherization, and other housing-related resources.
Texas Housing and Services Resource Guide
Harris County Housing Options
Care Connection Aging & Disability Resource Center does not endorse any particular housing provider, vendor, or supplier. The resources that are being provided are solely for informational purposes.